Our Blog

The big 3-0

I'm not sure how far we expected to get with Amiga Addict when we started it in the latter part of 2020. But here we are in the middle of 2024 with a 30th issue on the slate. And while we're here, do you know what else is 30? That's right, Commodore's swansong Amiga computer, […]

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Bienvenue dans l'édition française d'Amiga Addict!

  Any Amigan worth their salt knows that the world of Amiga gaming spans the globe, with games, tech and brilliant minds coming from countries including the USA, the UK, Germany, Poland and Spain. Even far flung places like New Zealand have had their hand in the popularity of our favourite platform.   But as […]

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Celebrate Amiga's multimedia legacy with Amiga Addict

This issue, your favourite piece of media is going all multimedia! The Amiga is host to so many amazing creative packages, but Amiga Addict is taking a look at one of the most powerful. SCALA draws from all quarters of the platform's creative palette to produce everything from slideshow presentations to TV output and digital […]

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